These books are extremely crisp, and feels like it's right off the shelf. See pictures for quality. Two really excellent Elseworlds stories here: Batman: The Golden Streets of Gotham In an interview with reporter Elana Karadian, an elderly Richard Grayson recounts the story of Bruno Vanekow, a laborer turned vigilante known as the Batman during Gotham's Industrial Revolution. After losing his parents in a factory fire caused by corporate negligence, Bruno seeks justice for the oppressed. Donning a stolen bat costume, he robs the rich to aid the poor and becomes entangled in labor union struggles led by Selina Kyle, secretly the masked Cat. Batman Master of the Future: In 1892, Bruce Wayne has retired as Batman, engaged to Julie Madison, and views his vigilante past as a childish phase. However, Gotham faces a new threat in Alexandre LeRoi, a flamboyant criminal who seeks to burn the city down unless declared its master.