This is a 3D printed addon to the RCBS rotary case trimmer2 that eliminates the need for collets and pilots. It comes with two case holders. The 308 Win holder holds 243, 7-08, 260, etc and the Magnum holder holds all of the H&H Magnum based cases. This is for the older trimmers labelled "RCBS CASE TRIMMER 2" on the casting, has the T-Handle, and the collets are held inside the T-Handle. The collets are not used with this gadget. Eliminating the collets is the most important advantage gained by this addon. You don’t have to worry about getting the base into the collet consistently or having the same twist on the T-Handle every time. Second is not needing a pilot. You can use a pilot, but it is not necessary to expand the neck to trim cases. Third is the fact that the way the case is held inline between the head of the adjustment screw and the cutter, it squares the mouth. Case Holders. Two Case Holders included with your order. Message me the case types you need when you order. I do have an ad for additional Case Holders when you need them. Trim Pro® 3-Way Cutter The 3-Way Cutter can be used for 30 cal cases or smaller, but the 375 H&H Mag and 300 Weatherby Mag can only be trimmed with the single face trimmer head. Thanks for looking,